Be Your Light
-Self-limiting beliefs are assumptions or perceptions that you have about yourself and the world that negatively impacts your outcomes. These hold you back from achieving what you are capable of.
I want to talk about the light, your gift. Shout out to my boy Will Calloway, he invited me to his visual mixtape premiere and while I was there he talked about the difference between a gift and a calling. And that got me thinking…
We all have a gift, that special “thing” that we do well that makes us unique. I want to really focus on your gift, because sometimes you do not realize you have a gift. Sometimes you are not even privy to your gift and what you are capable of but the people that are next to you, behind you, or beside you, they see it before you do. They are the ones that are constantly telling you, “you’re dope at that, I think you should do that because I can see you doing it well”, but YOU are so limited in your belief of self that you are like, “nah, I am not able to do that. I am not comfortable doing that because I never did that before”. They constantly tell you, “This is what I see in you, I see that you’re capable of doing this at a very high level. And if you do this, then you will experience riches beyond your wildest imagination, past what you’ve even considered that you were capable of”. You reject those notions. And on and on it goes. Because you have such self-limiting beliefs, such self-doubt, you do not even want to believe a person that has been around you your whole life. Or maybe it is just the fact that you are stubborn. Maybe you are just too stubborn and too comfortable where you currently are to accept that you have a life-changing gift. Maybe you fear being successful. That is okay because a lot of people experience that, we all experience moments where we are not ready to step into our light. But the thing about having a gift is that it is not going anywhere. You cannot run from your gift. The best thing that you can do is listen to the people that are observing you on the daily, the people that you trust, that you love, and that you care about, the ones that are standing beside you and behind you. Listen to those individuals when they tell you that they see a light in you, that they see your God given ability, your God given gift that you do not even notice. Do not be afraid to step into your light. I truly believe that we create anything that we want in this life when we think it, believe it, and speak it. Some of us are so limited in the way that we think about ourselves, that we cannot even begin to fathom all the power that we have inside of us. If this is you, others see your light, they see exactly who you are.
-Here are 4 strategies to help you manage self-limiting beliefs
· Journal (Write your belief down and examine how it makes you feel)
· Accept your belief as opinion, not fact
· Choose a replacement belief
· Act as if the replacement belief is who you are
Thank you for allowing me to share a gift, and unlock yours.